Saturday, October 20, 2007

First Angel Flight Mission Flown in Eclipse 500 VLJ

Van Nuys, CA - October 20th, 2007 - The mission, organized by Angel Flight West, was to fly a patient from El Monte, CA back to her home near Chico, CA, where she is recovering from treatment of her illness. Flown in a newly delivered Eclipse 500 jet, the flight was completed in an hour and twenty minutes, a fraction of the seven hour drive that the patient would have had to endure had Angel Flight and the pilots not been able to help.  

The mission was piloted by Eclipse 500 owner Ron Lebel and Ben Marcus, co-founder of jetAVIVA the company employed to manage Lebel's jet.

"To fly an Angel Flight mission is a great way to help people while having fun and maintaining our proficiency. Ben Marcus encouraged me to join Angel Flight; Ben has been an Angle Flight member and volunteer for 13 years. I look forward to flying many more in the future,” Lebel said.

Angel Flight West is a non-profit organization that arranges free air transportation in response to health care and other compelling human needs. Angel Flight West links volunteer private pilots with needy people whose non-emergency health care problems require travel to and from medical facilities throughout the thirteen western states.  Angel flight West pilots donate the cost of all flights.  There is never a charge for an Angel flight mission.

jetAVIVA is a  Very Light Jet management  company that provides management services to Eclipse 500 Owners.  jetAVIVA's services include pre-delivery and acceptance service, pilot service, cost off-setting revenue, Experience Light Jets, aircraft trade-in service, maintenance management, budgeting and accounting, scheduling and dispatch, and coordination of jet services. jetAVIVA is headquartered in Southern California with offices in Van Nuys, CA and Albuquerque, NM.

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